If you get a new card or need to update your billing info, we have two ways to do this:
Option 1: Call or stop by the gym during staffed hours. The staffed hours are listed at the bottom of this page.
Option 2: Update the card info on the member portal.
First, click the "MEMBER PORTAL" link in the navigation bar for the gym where you are a member. The options are the River Wards/Fishtown location at 2157 E Lehigh Ave or the Callowhill location at 454 N 12th St.
Click the big button for the member portal.
Log into the member portal using the email and password you entered when you signed up for your current membership. If you don't remember your password, just use the "Forgot password" option.
In the account tab in the upper right corner, click on "Update billing info".
Enter your new billing info and click "Continue"
Thank you!
As always, email/call/DM with any issues!